You were absolutely right.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
به بادبادکی می اندیشم که لای سیمهای برق گیر کرده بود.به مشتی پروانه گمگشته از راهی دراز.
آخربادبادکها نمی فهمند برق چیست.از کجا می آید.با چه چیز می آید و به کجا می رود.
آخر پروانه ها نمی دانند شهر جای گم شدن است و طبیعتش بی ریا نیست.
به کودکی شکلات دادم که چقدر شبیه کودکیم بود.او گمان می کرد من پدر خسته اویم.
به دستهای خوشبو و گرم مادر بزرگ مرحومم می نگرم که مرا در عکس درآغوش گرفته است.
از کی تا به حال بیست سال عمر نیست..از کی تا به حال دلم برایش نباید بگیرد؟
به صداهای بی منطق و نامنظم رگبار گوش می دهم و ناگهان سمفونی باران را در می یابم.
می دانم، همیشه عجولانه قضاوت کردم.
چشمانم را می بندم،در تاریکی و سکوت غرق می شوم،چیزی پوستم را انگار نوازش کرد.
روح بود یا باد؟
به عقده ها و بدیها و پستیها و حسادتها می خندم و شاید گاهی می گریم.
انسانها همینند دیگر...ناقص و مملو از نداشته ها.
به پاکی و مهربانی و سادگی و معصومیت اندک آدمها تعظیم می کنم.
داشتن بهتر از نداشتن است و دارنده را باید احترام کرد.
من به روی همین زمین گلی پا می گذارم..عطر جالبیست..خاک بارون زده..گل شده..
به آدمها
به تو
به او
به خودم
به همه چیز توجه می کنم،
فکر می کنم،
خیال می کنم
آرزو می کنم،
نا امید می شوم،
امیدوار می شوم،
از ذوق به هوا می پرم،
اشک در چشمانم حلقه می زند
دو دست به سمت آسمان می گیرم
Saturday, May 16, 2009
If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late.
And if I were a good man,
I'd talk with you more often than I do.
If I were asleep, I could dream.
If I were afraid, I could hide.
If I go insane,
Please don't put your wires in my brain.
If I were the moon, I'd be cool.
If I were a rule, I would bend.
If I were a good man,
I'd understand the spaces between friends.
If I were alone, I would cry.
And if I were with you, I'd be home and dry.
And if I go insane,
Will you still let me join in with the game?
If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late again.
And if I were a good man,
I'd talk with you more often than I do.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Leslie: Trust everyone but always cut the cards,
Best thing my father ever taught me,
You know what that means?
It means never trust anybody...
Elizabeth:If you're so good at reading people ..
Leslie:Then why did I lose?
Leslie: Because you can't always win,
You can beat players but you can't beat luck,
Sometimes your rhythm's off,
you read the person right,
but still do the wrong thing..
Elizabeth: Because you trust them?
Leslie: Because you can't even trust yourself!
(My Blueberry Nights-Wong kar Wai)
Best thing my father ever taught me,
You know what that means?
It means never trust anybody...
Elizabeth:If you're so good at reading people ..
Leslie:Then why did I lose?
Leslie: Because you can't always win,
You can beat players but you can't beat luck,
Sometimes your rhythm's off,
you read the person right,
but still do the wrong thing..
Elizabeth: Because you trust them?
Leslie: Because you can't even trust yourself!
(My Blueberry Nights-Wong kar Wai)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
تو کتاتبا
با تجربه ها
می گفتن
آدما همیشه دور یه فرد با دانش و با لیاقت جمع میشن.
یه آدم درست حسابی
یکی که سرش به تنش می ارزه
همه قبولش دارن
همه آویزونشن
دورش شلوغه
حتی اگه آدم دوس باز و جاه طلبی هم نباشه.
اونم اینجوریه
خیلی میدونه
خیلی تو کارش نامبر وانه
خیلیا قبولش دارن
خیلیام تلمذ می کنن
با اینکه اون هیچوقت دنبال هیشکی نبوده
هیچوقت سرش رو جلو کسی خم نکرده
هیچوقت نه جاه طلب بوده
هیچوقت واسش مادیات مهم نبوده..
هیچوقت یادم نمیره سر فوت خاله ام مسجد جای سوزن انداختن نبود..
و هشتاد درصد اون آدما فقط و فقط به خاطر این آقا اومده بودن..
وقتی ازش مایوس میخوام بشم
یاد خیلی چیزا میفتم..
و منصرف میشم از مایوس شدن..
بیشتر سعی می کنم از خودم مایوس بشم.آره.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
When you were a boy
You had no place inside your parents' world
You were falling like the leaves
From an old and dying tree
You went to school
But the teachers made you feel a fool
While the children played with joy
You were the one they would avoid
Some day
You will find a better place to stay
You'll never need to feel this way again
Again, again
Show a smile
They'd like to have you in their members' club
They'll buy you drinks and tell you lies
They pour rumbrella with some ice
No one cares
About that fucking pretty face you have
It means nothing much this life
So find the highest cliff and dive ..
You had no place inside your parents' world
You were falling like the leaves
From an old and dying tree
You went to school
But the teachers made you feel a fool
While the children played with joy
You were the one they would avoid
Some day
You will find a better place to stay
You'll never need to feel this way again
Again, again
Show a smile
They'd like to have you in their members' club
They'll buy you drinks and tell you lies
They pour rumbrella with some ice
No one cares
About that fucking pretty face you have
It means nothing much this life
So find the highest cliff and dive ..
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